Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I'm Back.........

but it's still nearly been a week, but I have been busy!!

Journal your Christmas is well underway over at
with prompts everyday. I was hoping to get the prompts in early evening, and to be able to complete the LO that night but they have been coming through a bit too late, so generally working a day behind. Am really happy with my eforts so far and looking forward to next week when the craziness at work will slow down and I will be able to relax a little more. Although I will miss a few days over the weekend, so I guess I will be catching up next week afterall.

On craziness, an amazingly crazy weekend, if last year is any indicator, is looming. Tomorrow evening I am off to Melbourne on the annual shopping trip. Twenty-two women together on a shopping trip, say no more. I have a half empty suitcase and an empty carry-on packed ~ I vividly remeber the chaos at the airport on a return last year!!

Will try to post some Journal your Chrismas layouts later, otherwise I'll be back on Sunday.